Explosions sometimes occur at workplaces and can cause serious injury or death. For example, at a food manufacturing plant, a pipe can explode and cause serious injuries. If you are injured as a result of one of these incidents, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries through workers' compensation benefits.
Injuries Caused By Explosions
There are all sorts of horrible injuries that can be caused by an explosion, such as serious burns, crush injuries, internal organ injuries, ear damage, and injuries resulting from shrapnel. Even after you have recovered from your injuries, you might have scars that will only go away with plastic surgery. Therefore, after the explosion, you will want to immediately report it to your employer.
While some injuries caused by explosions are horrific, other injuries might not be noticed right away. For example, you might later discover that your hearing was damaged as a result of the accident. However, you should always seek medical attention to make sure that you're okay.
Workers' Compensation and Explosion Injuries
Workers' compensation is a no-fault system. This means that if you were injured within the scope of your employment, you will be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Even if you performed an action that led to you contributing to your injury, such as using an unsafe work practice, you may still be entitled to compensation for your injuries.
However, you will be limited in how you may be compensated since workers' compensation does not cover damages related to pain and suffering. If you would like to receive compensation, your attorney would need to identify a third party who was responsible for the accident. For example, a part might have been defective and the employer who manufactured the part might be responsible for the explosion.
Injuries Outside of Work
You do not have to be physically at work to be entitled to compensation for your injuries. For example, you may have a job where you travel to another location to perform a service. At the service location, there might be an explosion on the property.
Not only may you be entitled to compensation through your employer but you may also be entitled to compensation under premises liability. Also, if you are able to determine that the explosion was caused by a defective product, you may seek compensation from them as well. By taking legal action, you'll be able to make sure that you have the funds to pay for your expenses.
Contact a workers' compensation attorney to learn more.