Catastrophic Injuries Have Unique Standards

When it comes to injuries sustained after a vehicle accident or other incident, it is safe to say that any person will undergo some level of suffering. However, the degree to which an accident victim suffers can vary widely based on the injury type and extent to which they have been impacted. For the most severe, not only is the suffering and treatment different but in the eyes of the laws, these injuries are viewed as catastrophic and come along with their own parameters.

Identifying Catastrophic Injuries

The primary identifier of catastrophic injuries is typically their degree of severity. These injuries will often involve the most serious of issues, such as traumatic brain injuries, amputations, spinal cord injuries, or vision or hearing loss. With these injuries, the accident victim will likely be left with a medical condition or impairment that will impact nearly every aspect of their life.

Unique Damages

Given the severity of these injuries, it is also often common for these victims to face damages outside the norm of personal injury claims. Consider an accident victim that must undergo an amputation, for example. The individual might need home nursing care, a prosthetic, car and home modifications, and medical treatment. An attorney can help you determine what type of compensatory damages you can claim based on your situation. 

Limited Filing Window

Again, the injuries that come with these types of claims often remain with the victim for the rest of their lives. However, the longevity of pain and suffering does not mean that these victims can wait forever to file their claims. Cases involving catastrophic injury adhere to the same statute of limitations as standard personal injury claims. Only in the event of newly discovered and diagnosed accident-related injury can a lawsuit be filed beyond this period. Speak with an attorney as soon as possible to avoid delay.

Medical Evidence and Records

Catastrophic compensation claims often have higher values than typical personal injury claims. On the side of an insurance company, increased value often translates into increased scrutiny. You will need to submit medical records from a trained healthcare professional with knowledge about your specific injuries and provide a documented history that notates your compliance with the prescribed treatment plan to increase your chance of a successful claims process. 

If you or a loved one sustained a catastrophic injury, you must take steps to seek compensation. An attorney will be more than happy to review your case and move you in the right direction.  

For more info, contact a local firm like The Brogdon Firm.

425 Words

About Me

Injured? The Law Is on Your Side Someone else does something silly. You get hurt and incur thousands of dollars' worth of medical bills, and you're also forced to take a month off from work. It doesn't really sound fair, does it? It's not. But luckily, there is a way you can ensure the responsible party ends up paying for your expenses, and that's by hiring a personal injury attorney. Your attorney can file a civil suit against the person who caused your injuries, so you can get paid what you deserve. Learn more about personal injury attorneys and the work they do right here. When you're injured due to someone else's actions, this information will come in really handy.



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